Enjoying a few days back at the beach – we never saw the ocean in Guatemala so the last time was way back in Belize
Chapter 17: Side Note on Crazy Border Crossings
No interesting photos here – go read the funny stories of border crossings in the book instead!
Chapter 18: Nicaragua: Commune Life & Giant Fish
Our campsite in the friendly commune near the border
Kitchen setup for this multi-generational family
We camped right in front of the bubbling, boiling steam field of the Telica Volcano. We kept a closer eye than usual on Lilly when playing around here!
We drove to the rim of an active volcano Masaya. It was so smokey that we were coughing within a few minutes and they recommend spending no more than 10 minutes up there. They also insist on parking facing out – for quick escape, in case of eruption!
My mum made the trek all the way from London and we rented a house on the beach down near the border with Costa Rica. Lilly was soooooo excited to see her grandma and kept hugging her every 5 minutes!
Two good friends who love to surf flew in to visit and rented a house for us all on a good surf beach in the south of Nicaragua. We had a fun & relaxing 3 days catching up with friends (& laundry!) and attempting to surf/boogie.
Incredible saltwater tarpon we watched being dragged into shore by fishermen when we camped near the border. That’s Lilly there for a sense of scale.